[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and...
SuggestionsBox is an open source component submitted by Manuel Escrig that allows you to easily gather feedback from users, and have users comment on the feedback to help the deeloeprs improve their...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Graphs –...
Graphs is an open source Swift library from Recruit MTL for creating different types of cleanly styled graphs with a clean syntax. With Graphs pie, bar, and line graphs can be created. This snippet...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Tutorial:...
One of the most touted features of iOS 10 is the dramatically improved messages app. With the new messages app Apple ahas dded the Message framework to the iOS SDK enabling the creation of custom...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SaveTheDot –...
UIViewPropertyAnimator added with the iOS 10 SDK makes it easier to animate your views, and allows you to dynamically modify those animations before they finish. Jake Lin has created a nice example...
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UITextFieldNavigation from T-Pham is an open source component allowing you to quickly add buttons atop the keyboard that allow the user to switch between different text fields. UITextFieldNavigation...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Iconic – Tool...
Iconic is an open source tool and Swift library from Dzenbot that simplifies the usage of icon fonts within Swift apps with a number of greated added features. With Iconic you can use TTF or OTF fonts,...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Preheat –...
The iOS 10 SDK adds UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching and UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching for pre-fetching table view and collection view data to improve the user experience when table views and...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SwiftOCR –...
SwiftOCR is an open source Swift based library from Nicolas Camenisch providing a high performance optical character recognition library. SwiftOCR is easy to use and train with support for both lower...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Tool: Open...
The unofficial open source WWDC app from Guilherme Rambo for Mac OS X allows you to quickly browse through and play videos from the recent WWDC 2016 conference, and past conferences. With the WWDC app...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Eureka –...
Eureka is an open source Swift library from Xmartlabs for the easy creation of forms with a wide variety of features not seen in other libraries. Eureka allows for the creation of basic forms, but also...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Swift Link...
Swift link preview is an open source component from Leonardo Cardoso that allows you to very easily display URL previews. Swift link preview will grab the title, text, and images from a link, and...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Tutorial:...
NSJSONSerialization allows you to easily convert an NSArray or NSDictionary to JSON, but does not work directly with Swift structs. Emil Loer has written a nice tutorial about how you can quickly...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]LayoutKit –...
LayoutKit is an open source interface layout library from LinkedIn that was created to provide increased performance over the iOS SDK’s auto layout for complex layouts in scrollable views. LayoutKit is...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Willow – A...
Willow is an extensive Swift based logging library with a number of great features from Nike Inc. Some of the features included with Willow are: Simple to use syntax using closures Different log levels...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and...
FlightAnimator is an open source library from Anton Doudarev built upon CoreAnimation providing a feature rich natural animation engine with a clean Swift based syntax. FlightAnimator supports 31...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Formatting –...
Formatting is an open source Swift library that allows you to perform functional string formatting, and adds type safety. Formatting utilizes a syntax similar to common print formatting statements, but...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Snapping...
SnappingStepper is an open source ui component from Yannick Loriot that provides a custom stepper component with an integrated slider. SnappingStepper allows you to customize the look of the stepper...
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OMCircularProgressView is an open source Swift user interface component that allows for the creation of highly customizable circular progress views. With OMCircularProgressView you can completely...
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SectionScrubber is an open source UI component from Bakken & Baek providing a custom collection view scrubber with a label that indicates the name of the currently displayed section in a collection...
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JFCardSelectionViewController is an open source Swift based component from Jeremy Fox providing a rotary selection view with alphabetic indicators and card icons for possible selections....
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