[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Render – A...
Render is a Swift library submitted by Alex Usbergo inspired by Facebook’s React for working with UIKit user interfaces. Render uses a component based approach, but you can use plain UIView’s within...
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LUNTabBarController is an open source component from Lunapps for creating custom tab bars from Lunapps that can slide up exposing more selections. This is an alternative to having the more option on a...
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PMAlertController is an open source Swift component submitted by Paolo Musolino providing a Swift based open source component for creating alert views with a number of nice options. PMAlertController...
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MEVHorizontalContacts submitted by Manuel Escrig is an open source component providing a custom UICollectionViewLayout allowing for the display of items with images horizontally. The cells were...
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ParticlesLoadingView is an open source Swift component from Patrick Balestra for creating loading indicators with custom particle animations. ParticlesLoadingView utilizes SpriteKit allowing you to...
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Preview-Transition is an open source component submitted by RAMotion allowing you to easily create an image preview gallery with a nice parallax effect. With Preview-Transition you can customize the...
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Build Time Analyzer from Robert Gummesson is an Xcode plugin that provides an overview of how long it takes to Xcode to build individiual Swift files. Build Time Analyzer was created so you can easily...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SwiftTweaks –...
SwiftTweaks is an open source library that allows tweaking of your user interface on device from Khan Academy. This allows you to try out those changes without needing to recompile. SwiftTweaks allows...
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Expanding-collection submitted by RAMotion is a custom UICollectionView featuring expandable cells. With Expanding-Collection view a scrolling image collection view is presented to the user, and when...
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Scrollable-GraphView is an open source component for displaying graphs with elegant animations, and extensive customization. Graphs made with Scrollable-Graphview can be presented with animations, are...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Stellar –...
Stellar is an open source Swift based animation library that makes it easy to create physics based animations from August. Stellar utilizes the UIDynamic API and features a clean chainable syntax with...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SwiftTrace –...
SwiftTrace submitted by John Holdsworth is a library allowing you to automatically print Swift method executions within your classes with minimal additions to your code. SwiftTrace works on...
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ADChromePullToRefresh is a custom pull-to-refresh component from Anton Domashnev inspired by Google Chrome. ADChromePullToRefresh allows the user to drag between different options when pulling with...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Cent – Swift...
Cent is an open source library from Ankur Patel providing helpers extending the features of many Swift data types. Cent provides helpers for the Array, Date, Dictionary, Int, String and Range data...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]AppDevKit –...
AppDevKit is an open source library from Yahoo that provides a wide variety of functionality to simplify common tasks, and to help handle compatibility issues between different iOS platforms. Some of...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Minamo – Open...
Minamo is an open source Swift based component from Yukiasai for creating animated coach marks for user interface elements. With Minamo you can add a ripple animation highlighting a specific UIView...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]AssistantKit...
AssistantKit from Anatoliy Voropay is an open source Swift library that simplifies gathering iOS device and OS details. AssistantKit provides a simple clean syntax for detecting the device, screen...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]PinpointKit –...
PinpointKit is an open source Swift library from Lickability that allows users and testers to easily send annotated feedback about your app. Users can trigger PinpointKit with a shake gesture,...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Monza –...
Monza submitted by Gabriel Garza is an open source script that simplifies the validation of iTunes app store purchases and subscriptions. Validation of in-app purchases should be done on your own...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]DropDown –...
Dropdown is an open source Swift based component from Kevin Hirsch allowing you to create pulldown menus like those in Google Material design. Pulldown menus created with Dropdown can open either up or...
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