[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]React Native...
React Native Maps is an open source component allowing you to create map views with React Native on both iOS and Android. React Native Maps has many great features including: – Usage of arbirtrary...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Swift...
The IBM Wearables SDK for Swift simplifies connection of wearable devices, retrieving data from sensors, utilizing that data, and with the IBM cloud service can also recognize gestures. Currently the...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Open Source...
LocationPicker is an open source Swift iOS component providing a fully functional location picker with map, and search bar that can be implemented within just a few lines of code. LocationPicker...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Open Source...
Sweetcorn is an open source tool by Simon Gladman for creating custom Core Image filters by allowing you to use a node based interface for generating Core Image kernel code. With Sweetcorn you can work...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and...
Previously I mentioned the SwiftLint tool allowing you to enforce Swift style and convention on your code with informative errors within Xcode. Here’s a handy open source plugin called SwiftLintXcode...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]InkKit –...
InkKit from Shaps M is a Swift based library simplifying many common drawing related tasks. Simplified draawing of lines, paths, and fills Filling graphical objects with gradients Drawing images with...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Kwilt SDK –...
The Kwilt Developer SDK allows you to easily access a user’s photos on 15 different photo sources Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Photos, Amazon CloudDrive, Microsoft OneDrive. This is very useful...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Guides To...
Earlier this year the popular app backend service Parse announced that parse would be fully retired by January 2017. Fortunately Parse open sourced the Parse Server which you could run from your own...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]MDT – An Open...
MDT is a OTA platform from Rémi Groult written in Dart and utilizing MongoDB for easy distribution of both iOS and Android applications. MDT provides a restful server, a clean responsive interface...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and...
DisplaySwitcher is an open source component providing a great custom transition for switching between grid and list collection view layouts. DisplaySwitcher includes a grid and list...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Objc2Swift &...
Objc2Swift is a project from Yahoo Japan! that converts Objective-C code to a Swift syntax. While the code generated will likely still need some work this makes for a great starting point, and should...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Arranged – A...
Arranged from Alexander Grebenyuk is an open source library for easily collection view layout created as a replacement for UIStackView with support for iOS 8+ and for tvOS. Arranged supports all...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and...
IQAudioRecorderController from Mohd Iftekhar Qurashi providing an open source iOS user interface component for recording audio, playing back recordings and cropping audio. IQAudioRecorderController...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]An In-Depth...
Keith Elliot is an in-depth tutorials on understanding the 3 Swift Collection Types Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries. In the tutorials Keith provides a nice guide on how you can create and use the...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Pulsator –...
Pulsator is an open source Swift based UI component from Shuichi Tsutsumi that provides a customize pulsing animation great for map annotations, and also for illustrating signals for bluetooth or...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]News: Android...
There has been a lot of talk lately about Swift support being added to Android, and a Pull Request has been merged into the main Swift branch adding and Android target. Late last year Zhuowei Z...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]DynamicButton...
DynamicButton is an open source Swift component From Yannick Loriot providing a number of toolbar buttons with neat transition effects like the hamburger button animation. DynamicButton currently...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]In-Depth...
For this year’s F8 conference Facebook has decided to open source write a series of tutorials on how they used the React Native framework to create and open source the F8 conference guide app. The...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]EasyPeasy –...
EasyPeasy is an open source Swift library from Carlos Vidal providing a very concise, and readable syntax for working with auto layout. EasyPeasy provides position and dimension attributes that you can...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]FoldingCell –...
FoldingCell is an open source component from RAMotion providing a custom UITableViewCell that neatly expands to show another container view. FoldingCell cell’s expand with a neat unfolding animation,...
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