[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SwiftFormat –...
SwiftFormat is an open source command line tool from Nick Lockwood that allows you to automatically format Swift code. SwiftFormat applies a set of formatting rules (which can be turned on or off), and...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]VHUD – A...
VHUD is an open source UI component from Airin for creating loading indicators with slick styling similar to native iOS HUD components. VHUD allows you to customize the coloring, and style of the...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SwiftLocation...
SwiftLocation is a Swift based library from Daniele Margutti for working with location services. SwiftLocation is compatible with Swift 2.2, 2.3, and 3.0. Some of the features of SwiftLocation include:...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Example: A...
HAgnostic News is an open source news reader app from Luigi Maselli created using React Native using Javascript. HAgnostic News works on iOS, Android and on the web, and features a clean simple...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SwiftMessages...
SwiftMessages is an open source Swift based component from SwiftKick Mobile for displaying short messages with a wide variety of different templates and options. SwiftMessages messages allow for the...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Kaeru – Open...
Kaeru is an open source component from Hirose Yudai is an open source Swift based UI component allowing users to switch between views with an interface similar to iOS’ built in task switcher. Like the...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]LUNField –...
LUNField is an open source component from LunApps providing an adaptive text field with great animations. LUNField text fields expand when the user clicks on the text field for text entry, and can...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]RHSideButtons...
RHSideButtons is an open source component submitted by Robert Herzdik for creating floating action buttons similar to those seen on Android that expand to show a menu from the bottom corner of the...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]ImagePicker –...
ImagePicker is a Swift based open source component from HyperOslo providing an iamge picker with integrated camera control. ImagePicker has a beautiful interface, and has been optimized to make image...
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RippleEffectView is an open source component submitted by Alex Sergeev for implement an Uber-like animated loading screen background. With RippleEffectView you can customize the tiles seen in the view,...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]SnapTimer –...
SnapTimer is an open source component Swift based submitted by Andres Canal for creating custom timer views inspired by those seen on Snapchat stories. With SnapTimer you can display two different...
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View2ViewTransition is an open source Swift based component from naru-jpn providing an easy way to present views with transition animations. With View2ViewTranstion you provide the initial view,...
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SwiftyConfiguration from kyo__hei provides a clean Swift based API for working with your Plist files. With SwiftyConfiguration you simply define the values within your Plist files within an extension,...
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UPCarouselFlowLayout is an open source UI component from Paul Ulric providing a custom UICollectionViewLayout for creating a carousel views. UPCarouselFlowLowLayoutout can be implemented within...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]React Native...
React Native Navigation is a library that provides UI components for React Native with navigation solution that works cross-platform between iOS and Android. You can style the navigator and the tab...
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ComplimentaryGradientView is an open source library from George Kye for creating gradient views based on the colors within a supplied image. Gradients created with ComplimentaryGradientView are great...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Segmentio –...
Segmentio is an open source Swift based UI component from Yalantis providing a scrolling segmented control with both images and labels. Segmentio can appear on both the top or the bottom of the...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]BonMot – Open...
BonMot is an open source library from Raizlabs for working with attributed strings making it easy to utilize advanced typography with your attributed strings. BonMot provides a clean, chainable syntax...
View Article[iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools]Skopelos –...
Skopelos is an open source Swift library from Alberto De Bortoli for working with Core Data built on the active record pattern. Skopelos dramatically reduces the amount of boiler plate required to work...
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PredicateEditor is an open source component from Arvindh Sukumar for creating NSPredicates at runtime using a visual editor allowing the user to easily filter data. PredicateEditor allows filters for...
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