MEVFloatingButton is an open source component submitted by Manuel allowing you to show a floating button on top of a UICollectionView, UITableView or UIScrollView.
These buttons are commonly seen when displaying lengthy content when the user has scrolled down allowing the user to automatically scroll to the top, or used as an add content button.
MEVFloatingButton extends UIScrollView, and allows you to easily customize the look of the button, the position of the button and also how and when the button appears and hides.
There are multiple delegate methods available for different button events.
Here is an animation from the readme showing MEVFloatingButton in action:
You can find MEVFloatingButton on Github here.
A nice component for creating floating buttons over a UIScrollView.
Original article: Open Source iOS Component For Creating Customizable Buttons That Float Above A Scroll View
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Reference source: iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools