SwiftRichString is an open source library submitted by Daniele Margutti that simplifies working with attributed strings.
With SwiftRichString you can style attributed strings using a clear type-safe syntax, combine attributed and non-attributed strings, and more.
This snippet from the readme shows how one could create styles, and apply them to an attributed string with SwiftRichString:
let bold = Style("bold", {
$0.font = FontAttribute(.CourierNewPS_BoldItalicMT, size: 30) // font + size
$0.color = UIColor.red // text color
$0.align = .center // align on center
let italic = Style("italic", {
$0.font = FontAttribute(.CourierNewPS_ItalicMT, size: 25)
$0.color = UIColor.green
let attributedString = ("Hello " + userName).set(style: bold) + "\nwelcome here".set(style: italic)
You can find SwiftRichString on Github here.
A great library for working with attributed strings.
Original article: SwiftRichString – A Swift Library That Simplifies Styling Attributed Strings
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