Kitz is a Swift based collection of useful libraries for common tasks made to reduce the boilerplate code you have to write called Kitz.
Kitz includes:
– Storez: statically typed, store-agnostic key-value storage library.
– Datez: A helper library providing a clean syntax for working with NSDate, NSDateComponents, and NSTimeInterval.
– Notificationz: A library that simplifies working with NSNotificationCenter.
– Appz: A library that provides easy deep-linking to external apps with fall-back capability and many popular apps built in.
– Graphicz: Convenience properties, initializers, and functions for working with Core Graphics.
– UIKitz: A collection of UIKit helpers.
You can find out more about Kitz on the home page.
A great swift based utility library.
Original article: Swift Based Library Reducing The Boilerplate Code Required For Many Common Tasks
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Reference source: iOS App Dev Libraries, Controls, Tutorials, Examples and Tools